WIP Report: February 12, 2012

So, I hope that jespah doesn't mind that I'm going to steal her post format in trying to outline all of the Works in Progress (WIP) that I'm reporting on in this entry.
Posted Works
My crossover novel, "The Chains of Error," with Sam Redfeather's Star Trek: Gibraltar was completed this month. You can find it at Ad Astra.
Star Trek: The New Threat had two new chapters posted at Ad Astra, bringing me to about 75% completion on that WIP. I've actually already written the ending to that story (the final chapter, plus epilogue), so I'm eager to polish off the climax so I can call that one done.
Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead is still being written now that CeJay has been asking for more episodes. "Fever Five" has Act Three on the drawing board and I hope to post it later this week.
WIP Corner
The aforementioned eighth episode, "Fever Five" is about halfway done. The eleventh episode, "A Piece of Their Action," already has the teaser and Act One completed. I really fell in love with the story concept for "Piece," which is a follow-up to TOS' "A Piece of the Action." I'm really excited about writing this two-part story after I finish with the four-episode story arc I'm working on in "Fever Five."
And then there's a new concept I'm toying with. I had this story idea form in the back of my mind. I wrote about three thousand words on it and I'm wondering if I'm able to move on it at all. I'm kind of waiting to finish The New Threat before I really sink my teeth into this concept, and to be honest, I'm kind of thinking about holding off until April. The current working title of the story is "Untitled #57," which will obviously be changed to something less non-descript.
Prep Work
The final two stories of the current FSA arc are "Ace Deuce," and "Snake Eyes." I kind of based those story titles on Craps, but I'm hoping when the final part of that arc is released, people will understand why I went with a gambling theme. In preparation, and hopefully without giving too much away, there's going to be some big emotional gut-punchers for FSA characters in the final part of that story. And the real reason for that PAO tour shall be revealed.
Productivity Killers
My day job and my radio gig have been kind of killing my ability to write with any regularity. It seems like the only times I can put stuff together is during the month of November. During National Novel Writing Month, I'm uber productive; churning out at around 125k words inside two to three weeks. At that rate, year-round, I should be able to knock out like 20 novel-length stories. But, for some reason, I just can't find the time when I'm working 12-14 hour shifts on a daily basis.
All I want to do is sleep!