Star Trek: The Quarterdeck Breed

Spanning the generations of Starfleet history, the one tenant that ties them all together are the various philosophies of command. The power of starship captains affect the consequences of the future, and so that kind of power must be used with caution and pause.

From the wild frontier of the formative years to the refined maturity of a post-Dominion War fleet, the philosophy of command remains as constant as the speed of light.


#1: Agamemnon

Cover art by Alexander Richardson, Lettering by Lord McCovey Cove

Stardate 53441 (Post-Dominion War): As a fresh transfer from a storied and illustrous exploration cruiser, LCDR Richard James arrives aboard the Starfleet Border Patrol ship Agamemnon as its new executive officer. Jarred by the laid-back and casual natur e of his new captain's command style, he finds himself swimming upstream against the tide of the fruit that style has born.

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#2: Bellerophon

Cover art by Alexander Richardson, Lettering by Lord McCovey Cove

Stardate Unknown (Post-TNG/Pre-Dominion War): The Kobayashi Maru simulation is the famous no-win scenario that plagues all command midshipmen at Starfleet Academy. When Randy Duke, a student struggling to find the confidence of command, is met with disaster after disaster and the derision of his own bridge crew, he must look within to discover if he truly has the mettle to sit in the center seat.

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#3: Constitution

Stardate Unknown (Pre-TOS): Working as the Starfleet liaison to the United Earth Space Probe Agency was not the ideal career choice that Rear Admiral Winslow had in mind for himself. After years of commanding the various ships of Starfleet, flying a desk held little regard. So when the Constitution-class project offered twelve chances at returning to command, a plan was set in motion for Winslow to return to his first, best destiny.

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#4: Dallas

Cover art by Alexander Richardson, Lettering by Lord McCovey Cove

Stardate 51901.4 (Dominion War): As the acting executive officer of the Miranda-class starship USS Dallas, Lieutenant Ushiyama handles a reconnaissance mission deep within Dominion territory alongside his unrequited feelings for his captain.

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#5: Exeter

Cover art by Alexander Richardson, Lettering by Lord McCovey Cove

Stardate 53285.81: After the Dominion War is finally over, Lieutenant Commander Indira Sukihija must take the battered and aged USS Exeter back to port... for decommissioning. As she walks the decks of her former charge, she struggles to deal with the ghosts of those fallen and her own mixed feelings about her future.

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#6: Farragut

Cover art by Alexander Richardson, Lettering by Lord McCovey Cove

Stardate 43999.1 (TNG Season 3): Just prior to the Battle of Wolf 359, a call went out to any and all available starships. Captain Krystine Leone and the crew of the USS Farragut race to render aid, but will they make it in time?

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#7: Gallant

Cover art by Alexander Richardson, Lettering by Lord McCovey Cove

Stardate 61554.29: Following the death of her captain and close friend, Caitian executive officer M'ree sallies forth with her grief ever-present, while another officer assumes command of Gallant.

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Planned: The Sacrifice of Agamemnon