Prompted: Branching Out
As part of the Ad Astra Star Trek Fanfiction Community, I'll participate from time to time with the prompts being published by our new fanfic review/commentary blog, Boldly Reading. And because it seems my blogging has become rather sparse lately, I decided to try my hand and this week's prompt... especially since there's a lot of relevance to my current shift in focus.
Do you have any other fandoms you participate in aside Star Trek?
I would have to say that back in the day, when the show was broadcasting, I was heavily into The West Wing fandom. I didn't write fanfics, because it's Aaron Sorkin and I always felt it was rather presumptuous to try and write it better than he could. However, I did launch a couple of fansites (both defunct) including a wiki that tried and failed to catalogue everything within the show, from episode synopses to the little items we see in the show (Toby's superball, Josh's backpack, etc).
These days, I'm all Trek.
Are there any you’re interested in?
Not really. There are some that're downright scary as shit to me. As much as I love Buffy and Firefly, the Browncoats can be a little too much to handle sometimes. I once stood in line for a midnight showing of Serenity, and I realized just how much of a closeted Firefly fan I was.
Any original work you do?
Yes, indeed. I have several works in an original setting that I dabble in from time to time.
And do you ever find something you do there inspires something you do here?
It's in reverse. I used my fanfic writing to steamroll momentum into writing original works. If I'm stalled out, then I just jump back to Trek fanfics in order to regain that motion. Newton's First Law and all that.