Full Speed Ahead WIP Progress Report: March 8, 2012 My WIP progress report for March and late February is right here! Did you all miss me? Posted Works No posted works since last time. Boo. WIP Corner Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead is still being written with the current episode, "Fever Five," still on the drawing board.
Full Speed Ahead WIP Report: February 12, 2012 So, I hope that jespah doesn't mind that I'm going to steal her post format in trying to outline all of the Works in Progress (WIP) that I'm reporting on in this entry. Posted Works My crossover novel, "The Chains of Error,"
Full Speed Ahead Author's Commentary: Milk Run I'm going to start with Milk Run, because to me, this is the real beginning of the series. Milk Run represents the first episode after the novella-length 'pilot,' Damn the Torpedoes! Parts I, II, and III. It's also the first episode where we get
Full Speed Ahead Last Night I Dreamt I Went to Manderley, Again... Kudos to anyone who recognizes the famous first line of this blog post. But last night before I reported in for work, Sam Redfeather and I had a chance to polish off the last bit of The Chains of Error and I wanted to write on my feelings about this
Site Updates The New Threat, Chapter 9 Since the most recent chapter of The Chains of Error is now online, I've decided to start writing and finishing off The New Threat.In Chapters Seven and Eight of this story, Coralie resigned her commission and is hopeful that she will become the Doctor's next
Full Speed Ahead Ariel Must Die Not too long ago in the crossover novel The Chains of Error (with Sam Redfeather's Gibraltar), a number of people were a little surprised to read that Ariel Elannis died in the line of duty while trying to bring the evil Colonel Galmesh to justice. I wanted to
Site Updates Change Over Due to the demise of my Full Speed Ahead site, I've decided that since I have multiple series ongoing right now, I would collate all of them into one site. And as I tend to think of writing as an adventure one needs to approach with all due